Engagement Approach

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Comprehensive, transparent and inclusive engagement with the UBC community and neighbourhood residents is at the heart of the Campus Vision 2050 process.

The engagement process builds on the Campus + Community Planning Engagement Principles from the Engagement Charter and lessons learned from previous planning processes. It forefronts equity, diversity and inclusion approaches for broader representation, including building partnerships with groups who are historically marginalized and underrepresented and offering a range of opportunities to meaningfully engage multiple audiences with diverse needs. 

Engagement opportunities include: 

Speaker and panel eventsRoadshowsCommunity ConversationsWorkshops
Information SessionsTargeted Engagement Meetings

Targeted engagement meetings and workshops will also be held with key advisory groups and subject matter experts.

Other engagement approaches include a Community Advisory Committee, design charrettes and walking tours.

Community Advisory Committee

The Campus Vision 2050 Community Advisory Committee (CAC) consists of representatives of Musqueam, students, faculty, residents, the University Neighbourhoods Association, the Senate Academic Building Needs Committee, staff, and alumni who have an interest in the future of the Vancouver campus. The CAC meets on a regular basis to provide input on the public engagement process, advice on how to enhance the transparency of and participation in the planning process, and provide ongoing community input into the development of the plan.

Learn more about the CAC.

A full table of neighbourhood residents seated around a table at a workshop.
An individual writes on an ideas board at a pop-up event.A facilitator speaks with workshop participants at their table.


Musqueam Engagement

UBC and Musqueam have co-developed an engagement process that seeks to integrate Musqueam input into Campus Vision 2050. 

The engagement process seeks to understand and incorporate Musqueam values, needs and interests at each stage of Campus Vision 2050. It complements and builds upon ongoing initiatives between UBC and Musqueam and incorporates learnings from the engagement approach used by Musqueam for their Comprehensive Community Plan, including activities and events to engage both Musqueam Council and the broader Musqueam community.The Musqueam post.

Comprehensive, transparent and inclusive engagement with the UBC community and neighbourhood residents is at the heart of the Campus Vision 2050 process.

The engagement process builds on the Campus + Community Planning Engagement Principles from the Engagement Charter and lessons learned from previous planning processes. It forefronts equity, diversity and inclusion approaches for broader representation, including building partnerships with groups who are historically marginalized and underrepresented and offering a range of opportunities to meaningfully engage multiple audiences with diverse needs. 

Engagement opportunities include: 

Speaker and panel eventsRoadshowsCommunity ConversationsWorkshops
Information SessionsTargeted Engagement Meetings

Targeted engagement meetings and workshops will also be held with key advisory groups and subject matter experts.

Other engagement approaches include a Community Advisory Committee, design charrettes and walking tours.

Community Advisory Committee

The Campus Vision 2050 Community Advisory Committee (CAC) consists of representatives of Musqueam, students, faculty, residents, the University Neighbourhoods Association, the Senate Academic Building Needs Committee, staff, and alumni who have an interest in the future of the Vancouver campus. The CAC meets on a regular basis to provide input on the public engagement process, advice on how to enhance the transparency of and participation in the planning process, and provide ongoing community input into the development of the plan.

Learn more about the CAC.

A full table of neighbourhood residents seated around a table at a workshop.
An individual writes on an ideas board at a pop-up event.A facilitator speaks with workshop participants at their table.


Musqueam Engagement

UBC and Musqueam have co-developed an engagement process that seeks to integrate Musqueam input into Campus Vision 2050. 

The engagement process seeks to understand and incorporate Musqueam values, needs and interests at each stage of Campus Vision 2050. It complements and builds upon ongoing initiatives between UBC and Musqueam and incorporates learnings from the engagement approach used by Musqueam for their Comprehensive Community Plan, including activities and events to engage both Musqueam Council and the broader Musqueam community.The Musqueam post.