About Campus Vision 2050

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UBC is preparing for the future by engaging students, faculty, residents, staff, the University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA), UBC Properties Trust, Musqueam and campus Indigenous communities in a comprehensive planning and engagement process that is shaping how the Vancouver campus changes and grows over the next 30 years.

Campus Vision 2050 will result in a long-term plan for the campus that supports the needs of the university and balances the multiple interests of Musqueam and the UBC community. 

Visit the Process page to learn about the timeline, the planning and engagement approach, and what Campus Vision 2050 will cover.
Visit the Campus Profile (this links to an external site) to learn more about the Vancouver campus and its community.

Time to renew the vision

It has been more than 10 years since UBC last updated land use plans for the Vancouver campus.

Today, there are 20 per cent more students on campus, 25 per cent more faculty and staff, and nearly double the number of neighbourhood residents. UBC’s daytime population has increased from 61,000 to an estimated 80,000 people. UBC also added more than 4 million sq. ft. of new institutional space, an increase of more than 25 per cent. 

The past decade of campus growth was set against a backdrop of population growth across Metro Vancouver and increasing pressure to address significant regional pressures related to mobility, affordability and connectivity. 

In addition to an evolving campus and changing and growing region, the next 30-Year Vision must thoughtfully respond to major, global forces like climate change, reconciliation, and the changing nature of work and study, all while supporting UBC's pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning, research and engagement.

UBC's unique relationship to the landAerial shot of the Vancouver campus overlooking the Martha Piper Plaza on a sunny fall day.

Campus Vision 2050 will ensure the future direction for the campus builds on what makes UBC a special place and enhances the livability, sustainability and character of the campus within its unique context. 

It considers the diverse perspectives of all those who are invested in the success of this place – from the descendants of its first inhabitants; to the 15,000 neighbourhood residents who live here today; to the students, faculty and staff who learn, teach and work here; to the donors who have generously supported UBC.

The campus lands serve many purposes and have helped UBC achieve a level of excellence in support of the university’s academic mission. Campus Vision 2050 will ensure the land continues to enable: 

  • world-class teaching and learning, research excellence and innovation; 
  • thriving, sustainable residential communities; and 
  • neighbourhood development, from which UBC generates Endowment Fund revenue to provide bursaries, scholarships, new academic buildings and programs and UBC community housing for students, faculty and staff.

Supporting the UBC - Musqueam relationship

Aerial shot of the Musqueam post with University Boulevard in the backdrop.

UBC and Musqueam are working together to transform our long-standing relationship with a new Relationship Agreement. This is an important part of UBC’s institutional commitment to deepening the university’s relationship with Musqueam and to reconciliation more broadly. 

Through the Relationship Agreement, UBC and Musqueam have co-developed a comprehensive framework for engaging Musqueam on land use initiatives, including Campus Vision 2050, to better understand and incorporate Musqueam values, needs and interests into planning. 

The Relationship Agreement will also include strategies to enhance Musqueam's physical presence on campus and other topic areas that will be co-developed with Musqueam, such as academic initiatives.

Making room for academic change and growthTwo students seated at a table looking down at a sheet. A faculty member is leaning over and pointing to the sheet while speaking.

In support of UBC’s Strategic Plan, Campus Vision 2050 is shaping how the future campus can be a model of research excellence, innovation, sustainability, holistic learning and transformation. To respond and adapt to possible future scenarios of academic change and growth, Campus Vision 2050 will enable: 

  • Academic building space that supports a range of flexible teaching and learning environments, including hybrid in-person and online formats.
  • Research and commercial building space to support co-location of research and industry and community partnerships.
  • Accessible and vibrant social and open spaces to support student life for those living on campus and those commuting to campus, and connection and interaction between students, faculty and industry and community partners.
  • Housing, amenities and services to support university affiliated residents living on campus.

Campus Vision 2050 is exploring a range of possibilities for potential changes to current academic space capacity, with an emphasis on intensifying land within the campus core through infill, mixing uses, and more efficient use of existing spaces. Opportunities for growth, from limited, to up to 20 per cent, will be explored through a parallel academic infrastructure planning process. 

Supporting future university needs

Campus Vision 2050 seeks to address the needs, aspirations, challenges and opportunities identified by the university and the community, and it will address associated financial requirements. As a public institution, UBC already funds critical university priorities through residential development, which provides housing for the UBC community and supports the academic endowment, campus amenities and infrastructure. 

To meet new needs and aspirations of the university and the community over the long-term, Campus Vision 2050 is exploring residential development beyond the current allocation of 13.7 million sq. ft. allowed under the current land use plan. 

Additional residential development will support academic excellence, lead to more community housing, enhance amenities and infrastructure and bring SkyTrain to UBC.Four critical needs in particular will require substantial additional funding:

    1. Providing more housing options for UBC faculty, students and staff. 
    2. Supporting academic excellence through the Trek Endowment.
    3. Enhancing campus amenities and infrastructure to meet the daily needs of faculty, students, staff and the campus community. 
    4. Realizing UBC's commitment to explore a financial contribution to the regional share of the cost of extending SkyTrain to campus in order to accelerate its completion.

Campus Vision 2050 is considering additional residential development through revised neighbourhood boundaries, in undeveloped residential areas and in future neighbourhoods. At the same time, the process has established areas of no-growth (e.g., UBC Farm, UBC Botanical Gardens, etc.).

The amount of additional residential development to be explored will be up to 20 per cent above the existing allocation of 13.7 million sq. ft. by the current Land Use Plan. This range is based on an assessment of how to financially support the above needs as well as general community livability considerations.

Options for future campus growth is guided by the Campus Vision 2050 guiding principles, established through community input, and tested against assessment criteria to ensure a highly livable and sustainable campus. 

Campus Vision 2050 provides a 30-year outlook for development that will be reviewed every 10 years in line with municipal best practice and regional plan updates, providing the opportunity to identify and explore additional areas for development to meet additional needs as part of future Land Use Plan updates

Planning for SkyTrainStudents boarding a bus at the UBC Bus Loop.

The region has prioritized extending the Millennium Line SkyTrain across Vancouver to UBC. To ensure a future SkyTrain extension best supports the region and university, Campus Vision 2050 is helping UBC explore how it integrates with the campus environment and what opportunities it presents to enable a sustainable, transit-oriented community. 

Campus Vision 2050 also supports a commitment by the Board of Governors to explore a financial contribution towards the regional share of the SkyTrain extension to accelerate its completion, provided the contribution does not affect funding for UBC’s academic mission. The sources being explored for this contribution include: 

  • provision of land for transit stations; 
  • charges collected from developers; 
  • and/or a financial contribution from new revenues enabled by rapid transit such as additional housing and development that would not be possible without enhanced transportation.

The content on this page is available in Simplified Chinese and Korean.

UBC is preparing for the future by engaging students, faculty, residents, staff, the University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA), UBC Properties Trust, Musqueam and campus Indigenous communities in a comprehensive planning and engagement process that is shaping how the Vancouver campus changes and grows over the next 30 years.

Campus Vision 2050 will result in a long-term plan for the campus that supports the needs of the university and balances the multiple interests of Musqueam and the UBC community. 

Visit the Process page to learn about the timeline, the planning and engagement approach, and what Campus Vision 2050 will cover.
Visit the Campus Profile (this links to an external site) to learn more about the Vancouver campus and its community.

Time to renew the vision

It has been more than 10 years since UBC last updated land use plans for the Vancouver campus.

Today, there are 20 per cent more students on campus, 25 per cent more faculty and staff, and nearly double the number of neighbourhood residents. UBC’s daytime population has increased from 61,000 to an estimated 80,000 people. UBC also added more than 4 million sq. ft. of new institutional space, an increase of more than 25 per cent. 

The past decade of campus growth was set against a backdrop of population growth across Metro Vancouver and increasing pressure to address significant regional pressures related to mobility, affordability and connectivity. 

In addition to an evolving campus and changing and growing region, the next 30-Year Vision must thoughtfully respond to major, global forces like climate change, reconciliation, and the changing nature of work and study, all while supporting UBC's pursuit of excellence in teaching, learning, research and engagement.

UBC's unique relationship to the landAerial shot of the Vancouver campus overlooking the Martha Piper Plaza on a sunny fall day.

Campus Vision 2050 will ensure the future direction for the campus builds on what makes UBC a special place and enhances the livability, sustainability and character of the campus within its unique context. 

It considers the diverse perspectives of all those who are invested in the success of this place – from the descendants of its first inhabitants; to the 15,000 neighbourhood residents who live here today; to the students, faculty and staff who learn, teach and work here; to the donors who have generously supported UBC.

The campus lands serve many purposes and have helped UBC achieve a level of excellence in support of the university’s academic mission. Campus Vision 2050 will ensure the land continues to enable: 

  • world-class teaching and learning, research excellence and innovation; 
  • thriving, sustainable residential communities; and 
  • neighbourhood development, from which UBC generates Endowment Fund revenue to provide bursaries, scholarships, new academic buildings and programs and UBC community housing for students, faculty and staff.

Supporting the UBC - Musqueam relationship

Aerial shot of the Musqueam post with University Boulevard in the backdrop.

UBC and Musqueam are working together to transform our long-standing relationship with a new Relationship Agreement. This is an important part of UBC’s institutional commitment to deepening the university’s relationship with Musqueam and to reconciliation more broadly. 

Through the Relationship Agreement, UBC and Musqueam have co-developed a comprehensive framework for engaging Musqueam on land use initiatives, including Campus Vision 2050, to better understand and incorporate Musqueam values, needs and interests into planning. 

The Relationship Agreement will also include strategies to enhance Musqueam's physical presence on campus and other topic areas that will be co-developed with Musqueam, such as academic initiatives.

Making room for academic change and growthTwo students seated at a table looking down at a sheet. A faculty member is leaning over and pointing to the sheet while speaking.

In support of UBC’s Strategic Plan, Campus Vision 2050 is shaping how the future campus can be a model of research excellence, innovation, sustainability, holistic learning and transformation. To respond and adapt to possible future scenarios of academic change and growth, Campus Vision 2050 will enable: 

  • Academic building space that supports a range of flexible teaching and learning environments, including hybrid in-person and online formats.
  • Research and commercial building space to support co-location of research and industry and community partnerships.
  • Accessible and vibrant social and open spaces to support student life for those living on campus and those commuting to campus, and connection and interaction between students, faculty and industry and community partners.
  • Housing, amenities and services to support university affiliated residents living on campus.

Campus Vision 2050 is exploring a range of possibilities for potential changes to current academic space capacity, with an emphasis on intensifying land within the campus core through infill, mixing uses, and more efficient use of existing spaces. Opportunities for growth, from limited, to up to 20 per cent, will be explored through a parallel academic infrastructure planning process. 

Supporting future university needs

Campus Vision 2050 seeks to address the needs, aspirations, challenges and opportunities identified by the university and the community, and it will address associated financial requirements. As a public institution, UBC already funds critical university priorities through residential development, which provides housing for the UBC community and supports the academic endowment, campus amenities and infrastructure. 

To meet new needs and aspirations of the university and the community over the long-term, Campus Vision 2050 is exploring residential development beyond the current allocation of 13.7 million sq. ft. allowed under the current land use plan. 

Additional residential development will support academic excellence, lead to more community housing, enhance amenities and infrastructure and bring SkyTrain to UBC.Four critical needs in particular will require substantial additional funding:

    1. Providing more housing options for UBC faculty, students and staff. 
    2. Supporting academic excellence through the Trek Endowment.
    3. Enhancing campus amenities and infrastructure to meet the daily needs of faculty, students, staff and the campus community. 
    4. Realizing UBC's commitment to explore a financial contribution to the regional share of the cost of extending SkyTrain to campus in order to accelerate its completion.

Campus Vision 2050 is considering additional residential development through revised neighbourhood boundaries, in undeveloped residential areas and in future neighbourhoods. At the same time, the process has established areas of no-growth (e.g., UBC Farm, UBC Botanical Gardens, etc.).

The amount of additional residential development to be explored will be up to 20 per cent above the existing allocation of 13.7 million sq. ft. by the current Land Use Plan. This range is based on an assessment of how to financially support the above needs as well as general community livability considerations.

Options for future campus growth is guided by the Campus Vision 2050 guiding principles, established through community input, and tested against assessment criteria to ensure a highly livable and sustainable campus. 

Campus Vision 2050 provides a 30-year outlook for development that will be reviewed every 10 years in line with municipal best practice and regional plan updates, providing the opportunity to identify and explore additional areas for development to meet additional needs as part of future Land Use Plan updates

Planning for SkyTrainStudents boarding a bus at the UBC Bus Loop.

The region has prioritized extending the Millennium Line SkyTrain across Vancouver to UBC. To ensure a future SkyTrain extension best supports the region and university, Campus Vision 2050 is helping UBC explore how it integrates with the campus environment and what opportunities it presents to enable a sustainable, transit-oriented community. 

Campus Vision 2050 also supports a commitment by the Board of Governors to explore a financial contribution towards the regional share of the SkyTrain extension to accelerate its completion, provided the contribution does not affect funding for UBC’s academic mission. The sources being explored for this contribution include: 

  • provision of land for transit stations; 
  • charges collected from developers; 
  • and/or a financial contribution from new revenues enabled by rapid transit such as additional housing and development that would not be possible without enhanced transportation.

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Submit any questions you may have about Campus Vision 2050 and we will post the answer here for everyone to read. We may also add questions here that we have heard directly from the community and answer them here too.

See our FAQ page as well for more questions and answers. 

  • Share How are the inputs from all sources documented and analyzed? Is there a central place to document the inputs and how are the inputs analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively? on Facebook Share How are the inputs from all sources documented and analyzed? Is there a central place to document the inputs and how are the inputs analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively? on Twitter Share How are the inputs from all sources documented and analyzed? Is there a central place to document the inputs and how are the inputs analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively? on Linkedin Email How are the inputs from all sources documented and analyzed? Is there a central place to document the inputs and how are the inputs analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively? link

    How are the inputs from all sources documented and analyzed? Is there a central place to document the inputs and how are the inputs analyzed quantitatively or qualitatively?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    Campus Vision 2050 involves input from the community through: 

    • Broad community engagement, including open houses, community meetings and on-line engagement through tools such as surveys.
    • Targeted engagement (e.g., with Musqueam, UNA Board, Community Advisory Committee and others).

    Inputs received through these channels will be documented and shared as follows:

    • Engagement summary reports, including analysis and summaries of all engagement feedback as well as verbatim comments, will be completed after each engagement period and shared with the Board of Governors and the community via the Campus Vision 2050 website.
    • Meeting minutes of the Community Advisory Committee will be posted on the Campus Vision 2050 website. 
    • Submissions to Board of Governors meetings (including information, recommendations, etc. along with engagement feedback and full engagement summary report) will be posted publicly on the UBC Board of Governors website (approx. one week in advance of Board meetings), and linked to from the Campus Vision 2050 website.

    Campus Vision 2050 also involves technical analysis and studies (i.e., land use capacity, growth assumptions, existing conditions and analysis of proposed options against the principles, strategies and criteria). Results of technical studies and analysis will inform the development and testing of options and be available to advisory committees and groups throughout the process and will be posted on the Campus Vision 2050 website.

  • Share How will conflicting values/interests be handled? What is the process to do so? on Facebook Share How will conflicting values/interests be handled? What is the process to do so? on Twitter Share How will conflicting values/interests be handled? What is the process to do so? on Linkedin Email How will conflicting values/interests be handled? What is the process to do so? link

    How will conflicting values/interests be handled? What is the process to do so?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    Campus Vision 2050 engagement is designed to be transparent, inclusive, equitable, and flexible to understand and respond to the multiple interests in UBC’s academic and neighbourhood lands that need to be considered. These interests include Musqueam, campus Indigenous communities, students, faculty, residents, staff, alumni and visitors. 

    A set of guiding Principles and Strategies will be developed that reflect these interests and values. Along with quantitative and qualitative criteria they will then guide the development and testing of options for the Visioning process and to assess trade-offs and choices for how the university uses its lands to best respond to the complexity of interests, needs and values.
     Examples of criteria include:

    • Urban Structure and Ecology (e.g., land use distribution and integration, transportation and mobility network capacity, amenities and services distribution, ecological connectivity, climate resiliency)
    • Character and Urban Design (e.g., Musqueam and campus indigenous community values, sense of place and campus fit, human-scale urban design, cultural diversity & community experience, green and open space diversity and connectivity)
    • Financial Support to Advance University Priorities (e.g., amount, type and tenure of affordable housing for the UBC community; support for academic excellence; community amenities & infrastructure; and bringing SkyTrain to UBC)


    There will be interests and values that align, and there may be some that are in conflict. While full consensus may not be achievable on outcomes, the intent is to make the trade-offs and choices clear to the community through transparent information and participatory engagement in the process, and to the UBC Board of Governors when making decisions. 

  • Share How is UBC planning to protect, provide and conserve the small green spaces and natural areas that are critical to the wellbeing and livability of campus and ensure they contribute to a connected ecological network across campus? on Facebook Share How is UBC planning to protect, provide and conserve the small green spaces and natural areas that are critical to the wellbeing and livability of campus and ensure they contribute to a connected ecological network across campus? on Twitter Share How is UBC planning to protect, provide and conserve the small green spaces and natural areas that are critical to the wellbeing and livability of campus and ensure they contribute to a connected ecological network across campus? on Linkedin Email How is UBC planning to protect, provide and conserve the small green spaces and natural areas that are critical to the wellbeing and livability of campus and ensure they contribute to a connected ecological network across campus? link

    How is UBC planning to protect, provide and conserve the small green spaces and natural areas that are critical to the wellbeing and livability of campus and ensure they contribute to a connected ecological network across campus?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    Enhancing ecology and biodiversity are critical to campus sustainability, climate resilience, ecological health and human wellbeing. Campus Vision 2050 will explore future land use and development in ways that minimize impact on existing natural areas (e.g., through more land-efficient, compact development oriented around a network of green and open spaces), applying green infrastructure approaches to mimic natural systems and address downstream impacts (e.g., green streets, integrated rainwater management) and enhance ecological connectivity both within the campus as well as to the surrounding peninsula.

  • Share How will UBC promote walking, bicycling, and other forms of sustainable transit (apart from electric cars) on campus in the short and long-term? What considerations will be given to those with mobility challenges? on Facebook Share How will UBC promote walking, bicycling, and other forms of sustainable transit (apart from electric cars) on campus in the short and long-term? What considerations will be given to those with mobility challenges? on Twitter Share How will UBC promote walking, bicycling, and other forms of sustainable transit (apart from electric cars) on campus in the short and long-term? What considerations will be given to those with mobility challenges? on Linkedin Email How will UBC promote walking, bicycling, and other forms of sustainable transit (apart from electric cars) on campus in the short and long-term? What considerations will be given to those with mobility challenges? link

    How will UBC promote walking, bicycling, and other forms of sustainable transit (apart from electric cars) on campus in the short and long-term? What considerations will be given to those with mobility challenges?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    UBC continues to implement our 2014 Transportation Plan for the Vancouver campus, which articulates a range of targets, policies and actions aimed at improving the experience of people of all abilities travelling to, from and around campus while encouraging the use of sustainable modes (primarily walking, cycling and transit). Recent and upcoming initiatives include: completion of the new UBC Bus Exchange in 2019; continuation of the campus-wide bike share program operated by HOPR since 2019; new secure bike parking and end-of-trip facilities; ongoing public realm improvements across campus; a growing network of dedicated cycling facilities and wayfinding; other sustainable transportation programs and partnerships (e.g. vanpool program, strategic partnerships with carshare and ride-hailing providers, new ride-matching and trip-planning tools, etc.). UBC will continue to integrate universal design principles at all stages of planning and development processes, ensure barrier-free accessible parking, and deliver programs (like the Accessibility Shuttle) to ensure people can participate equally in campus life regardless of their physical, sensory or cognitive abilities.

    UBC’s Climate Action Plan 2030 added a new commuting-related GHG emission reduction target (45% below 2010 levels by 2030) and a suite of immediate and near-term actions. These include: strengthening remote learning and working policies and supports; enhancing our sustainable transportation program offerings; eliminating longer-term parking permits that incentivize driving; introducing a faculty/staff transit pass discount program; improving the cycling experience to and from campus; and working towards an integrated e-bike share program with the City of Vancouver. The anticipated Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan will identify related actions specific to neighbourhoods.

    The Millennium Line UBC Extension is critical to achieving our sustainable mode share, single-occupancy vehicle reduction, and commuting-related emission targets.

    Campus Vision 2050 will reinforce the need to strengthen connectivity within the campus and to the broader region, prioritizing active and sustainable modes and planning for the arrival of SkyTrain to campus. It is anticipated that an updated UBC Vancouver Transportation Plan will follow Campus Vision 2050.

  • Share Has UBC done any planning or modelling or is thinking of incorporating consideration of the potential impacts climate change will have on buildings and infrastructure on campus and what impact/cost this will have on the university’s bottom line in the Campus Vision process? on Facebook Share Has UBC done any planning or modelling or is thinking of incorporating consideration of the potential impacts climate change will have on buildings and infrastructure on campus and what impact/cost this will have on the university’s bottom line in the Campus Vision process? on Twitter Share Has UBC done any planning or modelling or is thinking of incorporating consideration of the potential impacts climate change will have on buildings and infrastructure on campus and what impact/cost this will have on the university’s bottom line in the Campus Vision process? on Linkedin Email Has UBC done any planning or modelling or is thinking of incorporating consideration of the potential impacts climate change will have on buildings and infrastructure on campus and what impact/cost this will have on the university’s bottom line in the Campus Vision process? link

    Has UBC done any planning or modelling or is thinking of incorporating consideration of the potential impacts climate change will have on buildings and infrastructure on campus and what impact/cost this will have on the university’s bottom line in the Campus Vision process?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    UBC has developed Climate Ready Building Requirements based on regional climate modelling scenarios to address the increasing severity and duration of climate events. This includes measures to address thermal comfort during heat waves, rainwater management facilities and new landscaping design guidelines that identify plantings that withstands greater extremes associated with intense rain and drought events.

    UBC’s Climate Action Plan 2030 also identifies the need to develop a broader climate adaptation, resiliency and biodiversity strategy which will be initiated this year and will be integrated closely with the development of Campus Vision 2050.

  • Share UBC declared a climate emergency and the Board passed a Climate Action Plan, but in the FAQs for the CAP, you note that it does not apply to residential neighbourhoods. The FAQ notes that the relevant plans for neighbourhoods are the CEEP (from 2013, needing an update), REAP (updated in 2020), and “UBC has also initiated a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES) to identify pathways to accelerate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and increase resiliency in future neighbourhood developments.” Could you tell us more about the NLCES? Where in that process are you/we? Is there a public consultation component? How, if at all, can NLCES tie into Campus Vision 2050 discussions? on Facebook Share UBC declared a climate emergency and the Board passed a Climate Action Plan, but in the FAQs for the CAP, you note that it does not apply to residential neighbourhoods. The FAQ notes that the relevant plans for neighbourhoods are the CEEP (from 2013, needing an update), REAP (updated in 2020), and “UBC has also initiated a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES) to identify pathways to accelerate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and increase resiliency in future neighbourhood developments.” Could you tell us more about the NLCES? Where in that process are you/we? Is there a public consultation component? How, if at all, can NLCES tie into Campus Vision 2050 discussions? on Twitter Share UBC declared a climate emergency and the Board passed a Climate Action Plan, but in the FAQs for the CAP, you note that it does not apply to residential neighbourhoods. The FAQ notes that the relevant plans for neighbourhoods are the CEEP (from 2013, needing an update), REAP (updated in 2020), and “UBC has also initiated a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES) to identify pathways to accelerate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and increase resiliency in future neighbourhood developments.” Could you tell us more about the NLCES? Where in that process are you/we? Is there a public consultation component? How, if at all, can NLCES tie into Campus Vision 2050 discussions? on Linkedin Email UBC declared a climate emergency and the Board passed a Climate Action Plan, but in the FAQs for the CAP, you note that it does not apply to residential neighbourhoods. The FAQ notes that the relevant plans for neighbourhoods are the CEEP (from 2013, needing an update), REAP (updated in 2020), and “UBC has also initiated a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES) to identify pathways to accelerate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and increase resiliency in future neighbourhood developments.” Could you tell us more about the NLCES? Where in that process are you/we? Is there a public consultation component? How, if at all, can NLCES tie into Campus Vision 2050 discussions? link

    UBC declared a climate emergency and the Board passed a Climate Action Plan, but in the FAQs for the CAP, you note that it does not apply to residential neighbourhoods. The FAQ notes that the relevant plans for neighbourhoods are the CEEP (from 2013, needing an update), REAP (updated in 2020), and “UBC has also initiated a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES) to identify pathways to accelerate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions and increase resiliency in future neighbourhood developments.” Could you tell us more about the NLCES? Where in that process are you/we? Is there a public consultation component? How, if at all, can NLCES tie into Campus Vision 2050 discussions?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    UBC is committed to significantly reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. This includes the recently approved Climate Action Plan 2030 for the academic campus, which commits to an 85% reduction in operational emissions. UBC is also in the early planning phase for a Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan that will update the existing 2013 Community Energy and Emission Plan. It will include actions to address a broad range of neighbourhood activities, including energy, new and existing buildings, transportation, and waste.

    As an input for Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan work, UBC is developing a Neighbourhood Low Carbon Energy Strategy (NLCES). The NLCES is focused on future developments and neighbourhoods. It will address how UBC can achieve resilient and low carbon developments by defining 1) a low carbon roadmap with targets and pathways for new developments; and 2) the optimal low carbon energy source, considering cost-competitiveness and environmental objectives.

    The NLCES is shaped by UBC’s existing land use rules and legal agreements, including for neighbourhood district energy. It also includes detailed scenario analysis comparing different technical solutions including approaches to BC Energy Step Code adoption. As a largely technical exercise it does not include any public engagement. The process started in mid-2021 and is expected to conclude in fall 2022.

    NLCES results will inform the upcoming Neighbourhood Climate Action Plan process, which will include engagement with a wide range of stakeholders including the UNA and broader public. The NLCES also links in with Campus Vision 2050 through the Climate Action theme.

  • Share According to data from Canadian Housing Statistics Program and SFU’s Andy Yan in 2019, 49% of condominium units at UBC are non-owner-occupied – i.e. investment properties – the highest fraction in Canada. How will UBC address this issue in future land development? on Facebook Share According to data from Canadian Housing Statistics Program and SFU’s Andy Yan in 2019, 49% of condominium units at UBC are non-owner-occupied – i.e. investment properties – the highest fraction in Canada. How will UBC address this issue in future land development? on Twitter Share According to data from Canadian Housing Statistics Program and SFU’s Andy Yan in 2019, 49% of condominium units at UBC are non-owner-occupied – i.e. investment properties – the highest fraction in Canada. How will UBC address this issue in future land development? on Linkedin Email According to data from Canadian Housing Statistics Program and SFU’s Andy Yan in 2019, 49% of condominium units at UBC are non-owner-occupied – i.e. investment properties – the highest fraction in Canada. How will UBC address this issue in future land development? link

    According to data from Canadian Housing Statistics Program and SFU’s Andy Yan in 2019, 49% of condominium units at UBC are non-owner-occupied – i.e. investment properties – the highest fraction in Canada. How will UBC address this issue in future land development?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    Like Census data, Canadian Housing Statistics Program data is valuable and poses challenges for UBC's campus. Andy Yan's analysis relied on 2018 data and showed that 49% of condominium units in Metro Vancouver's Electoral Area A are non-owner-occupied. Non-owner-occupied condominium units could include many situations on UBC's campus: a student's family who has purchased a home while studying at UBC, newly built units not yet occupied, and units owned and rented to UBC's community. UBC monitors rental market and other data sources to assess campus housing occupancy. Census housing data released later in 2022 will provide additional information.

  • Share 2021 census data indicate that 15% of housing units at UBC are “not occupied by usual residents.” The comparable figure for the city of Vancouver is 7%. How can/should UBC planners address the relatively high rate of unoccupied units? on Facebook Share 2021 census data indicate that 15% of housing units at UBC are “not occupied by usual residents.” The comparable figure for the city of Vancouver is 7%. How can/should UBC planners address the relatively high rate of unoccupied units? on Twitter Share 2021 census data indicate that 15% of housing units at UBC are “not occupied by usual residents.” The comparable figure for the city of Vancouver is 7%. How can/should UBC planners address the relatively high rate of unoccupied units? on Linkedin Email 2021 census data indicate that 15% of housing units at UBC are “not occupied by usual residents.” The comparable figure for the city of Vancouver is 7%. How can/should UBC planners address the relatively high rate of unoccupied units? link

    2021 census data indicate that 15% of housing units at UBC are “not occupied by usual residents.” The comparable figure for the city of Vancouver is 7%. How can/should UBC planners address the relatively high rate of unoccupied units?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    Census data is valuable and also poses challenges for UBC's campus. For example, the category "not occupied by usual residents" includes 1) dwellings unoccupied on census day (May 11, 2021) and 2) dwellings occupied with someone who has a primary residence elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The first group includes vacant rental units, of which UBC had many during the height of the COVID pandemic, and newly built campus buildings not yet occupied. The second group includes students who have their usual residence with their parents off campus. As a result, UBC is likely to have a higher percentage of units "not occupied by usual residents" than other jurisdictions. Through the Housing Action Plan update, UBC is exploring other potential data sources to assess campus occupancy, such as provincial Speculation and Vacancy Tax data for UBC neighbourhoods.

  • Share Recognizing the need to address housing affordability at UBC, the last iteration of the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan proposed to allocate 67% to UBC community housing. Does UBC plan for this to be a minimum threshold for future developments? on Facebook Share Recognizing the need to address housing affordability at UBC, the last iteration of the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan proposed to allocate 67% to UBC community housing. Does UBC plan for this to be a minimum threshold for future developments? on Twitter Share Recognizing the need to address housing affordability at UBC, the last iteration of the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan proposed to allocate 67% to UBC community housing. Does UBC plan for this to be a minimum threshold for future developments? on Linkedin Email Recognizing the need to address housing affordability at UBC, the last iteration of the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan proposed to allocate 67% to UBC community housing. Does UBC plan for this to be a minimum threshold for future developments? link

    Recognizing the need to address housing affordability at UBC, the last iteration of the Stadium Neighbourhood Plan proposed to allocate 67% to UBC community housing. Does UBC plan for this to be a minimum threshold for future developments?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    As part of Campus Vision 2050, UBC is also updating its Housing Action Plan, the University's long-term strategy for housing affordability and choice on campus. The Housing Action Plan update will take a campus-wide approach to establishing targets for UBC community housing, including approaches to location, amount, type, tenure and cost of housing.

  • Share What is the past and anticipated future demand for faculty/staff housing, including larger units sized and priced for families? on Facebook Share What is the past and anticipated future demand for faculty/staff housing, including larger units sized and priced for families? on Twitter Share What is the past and anticipated future demand for faculty/staff housing, including larger units sized and priced for families? on Linkedin Email What is the past and anticipated future demand for faculty/staff housing, including larger units sized and priced for families? link

    What is the past and anticipated future demand for faculty/staff housing, including larger units sized and priced for families?

    UNA Land Use Advisory Committee asked about 2 years ago

    As part of Campus Vision 2050, UBC is also updating its Housing Action Plan, the University's long-term strategy for housing affordability and choice on campus. The Housing Action Plan update will assess future demand for faculty, staff and student housing on campus, including approaches to location, amount, type, tenure and cost of housing.